Land Area: Amethera Outback Land #04
Specifications                  [Edit]
Land Name:Atrax Park
Type:Land Area
Owner Type:Avatar
Owner:Divinity Deth Undefined
Hunting Tax:3.90 %
Mining Tax:3.90 %
Planet:Planet Calypso
Lon.:36474 m
Lat.:34746 m

Atrax Park is Iron Atrax Misson Land.

It is located North of Nate Valley.


There are 4 DNA samples however since the maturity is set to high, only 2 are kept active. The atrax have very high aggro range.

The 2 DNA set to near Maximum maturity and average density. Land Area popuplated mostly by Atrax prowler/-stalkers,


Known Past Item Drops:

DOA Foeripper, DOA Strikehammer, ML-35, ML-45, Shopkeeper Teleporter Pad, Salamander Arms, Thunderbird arms & shins, Omegaton A104

Regular drops:

ESI, Kinetic Attack Chip 1 (L), Kinetic Attack Chip VI (L), CB24(L), ESI, Bravo Plasma, Thunderbird arms & helmet M/F (L), Gremlin arms M/F


Present Day Known Drops:


Calytrek MKII TEN (UL), Calytrek MKII (L)


The miners can find:

Ores: Narcanisum, Zinc, Gold, Lysterium
Enmatters: Garcen Grease, Melchi Crystal, Growth Molecules, Oil, SweetStuff

Good Luck to you all !

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DNA Samples

DNA Samples used in the fertilizer of the Land Area.

ZoneDNA SampleNumbersMaturity 
Main Creature HabitatAtrax DNA Samples11Edit
Atrax DNA Samples11Edit
Atrax DNA Samples1010Edit
Atrax DNA Samples1010Edit

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Known locations in this land area.

Calypso3647434746Land Area Amethera Outback Land #04 
3650835271Revival point   

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