Creature: | Marcimex |
Maturity: | Shadowshell |
Health: | 12900 HP |
Damage Potential: | Immense |
Danger Level: | 116 |
HP/Lvl: | 111.2 |
Attributes |
Agility: | 71 |
Intelligence: | 26 |
Psyche: | 62 |
Stamina: | 1290 |
Strength: | 365 |
Shadowshell |
This large and brutal beast creeps from shadow to shadow, lashing out at any who come too close. It is larger and more dangerous than most of its kind. The shell is pockmarked and scarred from the countless battles it has been in. If anything it considers a threat enters its territory, it will ruthlessly attack, not giving up before the trespasser is dead. Shadowshell spawns in the main Marcimex area, seemingly after either a certain number of Marcimex are killed or perhaps after a certain amount of time has elapsed.